
A blockchain is a decentralized base of records and global transaction data. It works like a chain formed by several blocks that are divided between computers spread all over the world. The information in one block complements the information contained in the others. Whenever there is a change in one of them, all the other blocks check if that change or addition is correct, validating the information or rejecting it. 

With SOL, all purchase orders from associations and cooperatives are made through the app, which digitally stores the process data. This data is also kept in a blockchain located in the infrastructure of the states of Bahia and Rio Grande do Norte. This way, the information is protected against changes. Any attempt to corrupt the data can be easily noticed and reported, making the audit of purchases even more transparent, secure and efficient.


Open Source Software

SOL is a free open source software, which means that the app can be universally redistributed with no cost. In addition, the entire design and layout that make it up can be consulted, examined and modified freely by anyone who wishes to replicate it.

Open source is a development model that promotes collaboration in intellectual production. Consistent with the Digital Transformation of Governments scenario - that can be seen in countries like Germany, France and Spain - it is essential for promoting the standardization, modernization and optimization of technologies produced by and for public management. And precisely because it encourages technological solutions sharing and reuse, the open source model contributes to the optimization of public spending.

Do you want to have SOL in your state, country or institution? Access the application documentation available on the project's Github, by clicking here.
